WE are a minecraft server that has just been made. We have several plugins ot make the surver as enjoy able as possible eg: supernaturals, factions, chest shop and more!!!

but due to my low knowladge of portforwarding we are stuck at using hamachi for the moment we plan to change this and use port forwarding when i manage to get someone experiance to do it, but atm to use the server please use hamachi and the username is AKA12 and it has no pass.

the surver is great fun to play on and has two ops: DOOMKING517 and EPICXCRAFTER, since we only have two ops we are planning on getting more ops when we trust people enough to give them that power. if you wish to join us the ip is ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO CONNECT TO THE SURVER IS GO ON TO HAMACI AND JOIN AKA12 AND JOIN US (no pass).


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just made

07/02/2012 22:49
AS you can see, the server has just been made and so has this so we just want to say sorry for the lack of utilitys